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Debra Oaks Coe -- Founder

The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. Paul Farmer

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My husband, Don, and I have five children and eight grandchildren. Like most families, we have had growing pains as the realities of life experiences have taught us compassion and forced us to search for answers to deeply challenging questions.


In May 2016, we lost our oldest son to complications of chronic pancreatitis that he had been very sick with for over ten years. We learned how different life can be for someone with disabilities and why compassion and mercy are so important. Marshall’s life taught us that the greatest happiness and true joy in the world is found in good relationships not our circumstances.

Marshall never complained and did what he could to make others happy no matter how sick he was. He taught us the importance of spending time with each other, and that life is unpredictable and short. We learned the importance of putting aside disagreements, putting our relationships first, and to just love. Time with each other is invaluable and each minute together is precious.


The most life-changing event we experienced was our youngest son let us know that he was gay; this made us a Christian & LGBTQ family. No one handed us a road map as to how to navigate this while keeping our family strong and united. In searching for answers, we’ve come to find greater depth and love for the teachings of Jesus. We are hoping that through this website you will find hope and a new perspective on how to deal with the unexpected challenges life brings all of us.

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